Welcome to e-clubs . . . providers & producers of tomorrow' s electronic Data technology for today's World

E-CLUBS.NET.NZ is one of Complete Data Solutions websites.

Complete Data Solutions provide services in a wide range of electronic Data Processing techniques, including ISO markUp standards . . . <XML/> and <HTML> through to graphic design and automated production of camera/print ready smart PDFs and more.

We transform business data into quality knowledgeable content. Our solutions are simple yet sophisticated.


Our processes utilise leading edge technology that is simple yet sophisticated. We ensure that your requirements are met while providing you with efficient and effective service and pragmatic solutions.

We provide specialist services in a wide range of electronic Data Processing techniques which are integrated to the variety of facilities we provide within the one system.

We use ISO markUp languages throughout our facilities and provde services in graphic design, photographic Images, smart Web Databases, smart Web Sites, and a variety of other web related Technology and more.

Our solutions are simple yet sophisticated and suit all organisations.


e-Sports.net provides smart Sports Software which includes:

Smart Sports Fixtures with flexible draw package

Electronic Scorecard package

Online registrations Forms and Online databases


e-Data provides smart Administration Software

Online registrations Forms and Online databases

Smart Web Site and smart updating methods.